"TASSY" Ltd. supplies equipment from leading and well-established European manufacturers:
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GAS BOILERS >>>  Arca, Viessmann, Sile
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TASSY Ltd. maintains a design department with highly qualified specialists and offers design services for gas pipelines, heating installations, gas facilities, air ducts, steam installations, compressed natural gas stations, technological lines and facilities, etc. taking into account the specific needs of each of its clients.


TASSY LTD offers professional services in the following areas:

• Feasibility studies

• Preparation, coordination and handling of project documentation

• Procedures for environmental protection

• EIA procedures

• Design of detailed site development plans.

• Procedures for changing the designation of agricultural and forest areas

• Acquisition of land and property rights (easements, right to build)

• Preparation of Conceptual, Technical and Work projects.

• Preparation of Complex permits under the Low for preservation of environment

• Coordination of activities related to central and local authorities and stakeholders, etc.


• a comprehensive service for the organization and implementation of construction, installation, testing and commissioning of gas pipelines, heating installations, gas facilities, air ducts, steam installations, compressed natural gas stations, technological lines and facilities, etc.

• development and implementation of process control and control systems, communication systems and data processing systems, etc.